Therapeutic Yoga can help relieve back pain by incorporating physical therapy & yoga. Trudy, a fellow PT & registered yoga teacher, stops by to show me stretches & exercises for back pain relief.

Therapeutic yoga focuses on gentle yoga or modification poses with breathing techniques. Trudy is not only a friend and mentor, but she is also from Canada! So if you are a Canadian viewer, make sure to give her a shout-out in the comments. And Canadian or not, make sure you visit her website!

The first stretch is for back pain relief is for the psoas muscle. Lengthening the psoas can help relieve pressure and tightness in the back.

Next is a stretch for the quadratus lumborum (QL). The QL can cause the pelvis to not move freely which can cause a lot of back pain.

Finally, some core strengthening is a great way to keep the back strong and stable.

Related Back Pain Relief Videos:

Dr. Jo’s Back Pain Playlist

Upper Back Pain Exercises & Stretches

Lower Back Pain Back Flexion Stretches

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