Buy the Cervical Radiculopathy WorksheetA pinched nerve (aka cervical radiculopathy) is basically when the nerve coming out of the spine gets irritated at the nerve root. This can cause pain and weakness going down into the arm. These exercises should help.

First start off with a nerve glide. Remember that nerve glides should only be done once a day with about 10 repetitions. Anything more might irritate the nerve further. Put your arm out to the side of your head, and bend your elbow at a ninety degree angle where your hand is in the air. Turn your palm towards your head. Imagine that there is a string around your head and hand, so they have to move together. When your hand comes down, your head sidebends to that side, and then they both come back up together.

Now place your hand under your thigh to keep your shoulder down, then side bend your head to the opposite side and gently put pressure with your other hand to get a stretch through your trapezius muscles. Hold these for 30 seconds and perform 3 times on each side.

Next you will do a chin tuck. You don’t want to tuck it down to your chest, but take your chin, and pull it backwards. You can put your finger on your chin, as a target or starting point, and then tuck it in. Hold it for about 3-5 seconds, and then relax. Do this about 3-5 times.

Finally, you will do a chin tuck (or retraction) with neck extension. This doesn’t have to be a big movement, and if you already have dizziness issues, you might want to hold off on this one.

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