Sponsored Content: This video contains paid product placement. Thank you to Back Science for sponsoring this video and providing Doctor Jo with a free mattress and adjustable base to use. If you purchase this product from these links/ads, Doctor Jo will receive a commission.

Click here to learn more about the Back Science Mattress and/or Adjustable Base!

These back pain relief stretches don’t necessarily need to be done in bed, but they are a great way to help relieve back pain in the morning before getting up, and/or when going to bed at night.

Often with back pain, we wake up stiff and sore. We can also have back pain at the end of a long day. These simple back stretches may help no matter when back pain strikes.

In this video, I’m using the Back Science Series 3 Mattress and the Back-Flex Level 3 Adjustable Base. They are both designed specifically to help improve overall sleep posture, keep the spine optimally aligned, and reduce muscle and joint pressure throughout the back and neck:

Learn more about the Back Science Series 3 Mattress and the Back-Flex Level 3 Adjustable Base in my dedicated review video.

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