Headaches are often accompanied by neck pain. These types of headaches are sometimes called cervicogenic headaches. Relaxing the muscles around the neck and shoulder area with these stretches and exercise may help relieve the headache as well as the neck pain.

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Neck Pain Exercises & Stretches

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Relieve Neck Pain
Often a tight levator scapulae muscle can cause neck pain because many of the muscles in the neck area go down into the shoulder as well. My favorite stretch for this area is a levator scapulae stretch.
Got Shoulder Pain from Pickleball? Watch This!
As Pickleball's popularity increases, injuries from pickleball are also increasing, and shoulder pain is common from the sport. Injuries to the shoulder include rotator cuff tears, tendonitis, and bursitis. The stretches & exercises in this video can help strengthen, relieve pain, and loosen up the muscles around the shoulder and neck area.
Cervical Radiculopathy Pain Relief
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Pinched Nerve
A pinched nerve (or cervical radiculopathy) is basically when the nerve coming out of the spine gets irritated at the nerve root. This can cause pain and weakness going down into the arm. These exercises should help.
Neck Pain Relief
These neck pain stretches are done in real time, so follow along if you want. They may help with general neck pain, neck spasms, tension headaches, or even that ole crick in the neck.
Neck Movement Pain
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Stop Neck Pain
My favorite daily exercise for easy neck pain relief is a chin tuck. It’s great for the neck, shoulder, it can help relieve headaches, and it can even help correct posture. Chin tucks are not only a great neck pain relief exercise, but they are also a great stretch for the neck as well.
Neck Stretches
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Cervical Spondylosis
Cervical spondylosis is a general term for the wear and tear of the spinal discs in the neck as we age. As the discs degenerate, signs of osteoarthritis develop. This can cause achiness and soreness as well as decreased motion in the neck.

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